Friday, 11 February 2011

Darlington Arts Centre

Well I've seen that much has been made of "Save Darlington Arts Centre" of late...
They haven't exactly convinced me that they are that deserving.
Ok so they have quite a few moms and kids moving through the place doing 'Music with Mum' or something like... which in it's self is a bit weird, if you are a Dad does that mean you can't come. The title is what's it's judged on.. I'm a Dad by the way of course!
Today I was there in the Theatre Space with Appetite Dance Productions and company...
Darlington Arts Centre
So, they knew that there weren't many tickets sold... and I suspect that is why we were given fairly second rate service. The techs kept disappearing, the dance floor was poorly laid and cleaned.. and no one, and I mean NO ONE from the venue had the least bit of interest in what the company was presenting.

So now, and I'm sorry DAC... but you must try harder, I'm not that bothered about saving you right now, if you are not interested in me then I am not interested in you either and I think that's fair!

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