Thursday, 30 September 2010

Valley of the Dolls

We have Ballet Lorent in at the moment...
They have a few additional members of the cast in the form of a load of Dolls from Habitat. I've asked for fire ratings on them already... but now it's the day before the show I insisted...
Turns out they are pretty flammable... out comes the Flame Check :)
Here's them drying...

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Generators and Stuff

This weekend I was working in Leicester Sq for a Cadburys promotion, Spots and Stripes game.

It was all a bit fraught... missing the last train and just managing to hire a car in time to get me there for a 4am call wasn't good! But this is what greeted me when I got there:

All in, a nice weekend till this:

This is a photo of an xray of the tip of my finger taken at St Thomas's after the jockey wheel of a trailer generator collapsed... Ouch! And thoroughly frustrating now :(

Thursday, 9 September 2010

BBC Look North

Yesterday we had a surprise call from the BBC. They wanted to use one of our spaces to film a quick live article on some dance research.
We had a satellite van outside and a crew inside.
I was really pleased with how quickly the Lab accomodated this... and they left with a great impression of the space! :)
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Friday, 3 September 2010

DC Atrium

The atrium at DC really does attract a lot of light at all times of the day. This I caught as I was locking up tonight.

Sometimes when the sun is just right we can get real light into the theatre. Usually when when we don't want it to I might add.
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